It’s simple really. To nurture the child to be the adult they wish to be.

Who doesn’t want to be capable, confident, thoughtful, loving, creative, alert, athletic and intelligent; who doesn’t want to know truly who they are, how to access and integrate their feelings and to forever believe in their own awesome potential? The answer is simple… no-one. The difficulty is the how.

At Shades of Green/Sfumature di Verde, we look to the past to equip our children for the future. We look at what makes us so successful as human beings; communication,cooperation, adaptability, innovation, problem solving, and a sense of independence within the structure of the community. We recognise the role of adults is to provide a safe, secure and supportive natural environment; to pass on learning and wisdom; to make room for failure and foster resilience; to nurture the spirit of each child; and to give them the space and time to simply be.

Finally, John Taylor Gatto japed that ‘genius was as common as dirt.’ We think that this is a good starting place for any child. We nurture their authentic expression of themselves in the world. Our job is simply to guide each one to fulfil their potential by encouraging them to explore their edges and support them when those edges feel like they are too much so that they become resilient, adaptable, creative and capable adults.